God creates better than I can dream…

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Afternoon in the Weminuche Wilderness

Grenadier Sunrise San Juan MountainS, Colorado Gallery: San Juan Mountains (East) Close enough to heaven… You have to read my story about my photo called Sunrise in Trinity Basin, then read this one. Once I had that shot, I turned around and got this one, as well as. It was such a neat perspective of […]

Wildflowers on Trail Rider Pass

Wildflowers on Trail Rider Pass Elk Mountains, Colorado Colorado   ›   Central Ranges (South) God’s finger-painting is the best… On a memorable adventure to Snowmass Lake near Aspen, I took a quick side trip to hike to the top of Trail Rider Pass above the lake. The skies were filled with beautiful clouds, the mountain ridges […]

Snowmass Lake

Snowmass Lake Elk Mountains, Colorado Colorado   ›   Central Ranges (South) Once in a lifetime comes often… Definitely one of my favorite lakes in all my backpacking adventures. The mirror effect was so perfect, and Snowmass Peak was spectacular! I wish I had more time to visit places like Snowmass Lake more than just once in […]

Snowmass Lake Afternoon

Snowmass Lake Afternoon Elk Mountains, Colorado Colorado   ›   Central Ranges (South) Whether I expect it or not… I wish I had the wisdom to take more photographs of Colorado in the afternoon. Coming from California, I was always chasing sunrises or sunsets because the afternoons were typically pretty bland. But in Colorado, the afternoons can […]

Snowmass Lake Reflection

Snowmass Lake Reflection Elk Mountains, Colorado Colorado   ›   Central Ranges (South) I wish I had more time… Snowmass Lake is one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. I wish I had more time in Colorado to go back there and try to capture an epic sunrise or sunset. Similar photos you might enjoy…

God creates better than I can dream…