God creates better than I can dream…

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OPEN SKY Photography

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By Donation

What does that even mean, you ask?

It means I want you to be able to enjoy my photography if you believe it would be a blessing for you or a friend or relative or business, etc., without feeling like it’s beyond your financial reach.

Why do I do this? Because I think God’s creation is enchanting, and I don’t think these amazing places are meant to be hidden away.

Here's How It Works:

  • Choose Your Favorite Photo(s)

    Chose an image or images that you want to order (as a print, canvas wrap, metal print, mounted print, or other creative idea).

  • Contact Me

    Email me with the name(s) of the photo(s) you want printed/mounted.

  • We Figure Out the Details

    We work through the details of how you'd like the artwork to look.

  • "Base Cost"

    Once we have that figured out, I'll let you know the "base cost." Meaning, how much it will cost to print and ship. This is based entirely on the print shop's costs (Mpix, Bay Photo, Nations Photo Lab, etc.). I make no profit on the base cost.

  • Suggested Donation Amount

    Next, I share the suggested donation amount. This is an amount above and beyond the base cost. It's my profit; it's what helps me keep doing what I do for you and others (and helps me put a bit of food on the table).

    Typically I will double the base cost and use that as the suggested amount. This is muc If you feel led to offer more than the suggested amount, I won't complain. 🙂

  • What Can You Afford?

    If you can't meet the donation price, then let me know what you can afford, and we'll work it out!

  • Disclaimer

    I reserve the right to say no, but that's not my heart. I want God's creation to be a blessing to you, so I truly want to work out something that works for both of us. Sound good?

Example Scenario

Let’s say you want a 20×30 canvas wrap of a photo for your wall. At Costco (they do a great job with canvas wraps) it would cost $57.99 + $4.49 in taxes. Shipping (if you can’t pick it up at a store) is an additional $5.99. These are all part of the “base cost,” which totals $68.47.

My suggested donation would be $100, for a total of $168.47.

At first glance a suggested donation might seem like a lot, but if you compare the overall prices of quality landscape photography prints. you’ll find it to be worthwhile.

But again, offer what you can, and I’ll try to make it happen! 

Help Someone Else
If you feel led, you can even give more than the suggested amount, which will, in turn, help others who can’t afford it!

The bottom line is: trust is the name of the game. Like a good, old-fashioned handshake. Make sense?


Email me and ask away!

PrinT Quality

God creates better than I can dream…